venerdì 4 febbraio 2011

Alexandra Burke goes into excitement overload after Newcastle gig?

[Images: Mr Paparazzi/Big Pictures Words: Staff Writer]

Excitable, excitable Alexandra Burke is still on her tour and she?s bloody excited about it.

The singer, who signed a �10 note for a fan in Newcastle yesterday (because a blank piece of paper just won?t do these days, right?), seemed sparky as hell following her gig up norf last night. After the concert she squealed:

?Wow. Newcastle - you guys just shut it down!!! It was my Best show yet!!! And you guys rocked my LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love u Newcastle!?

Later she added:

?STILL buzzing because of tonight's show! Like, seriously! Newcastle , really???? Thank you!!!!!?

OMG like, seriously! Even after a good night?s sleep Burkey seems to be ?buzzing? after yesterday ? earlier she tweeted:

?Manchester bound !!!!!?

The exclamation mark button on her phone must be wearing very, very thin by now.

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