sabato 30 aprile 2011

If Classic Movies Were Remade By Michael Bay

Every single film is going to get a remake or gritty reboot eventually. We asked you to show us a world where Hollywood just decides to put Michael Bay in charge of every single one of them.

The winner is below, but first the runners up ...

#19. E.T.

#18. Breakfast at Tiffany's

#17. Don Quixote

#16. I'm blanking on this one

#15. The Godfather

#14. Bonnie and Clyde

#13. Seven Samurai

#12. Pee Wee's Big Adventure

#11. Again, I'm not sure what's going on.

#10. The Lion King

#9. Lawrence of Arabia

#8. WALL-E

#7. Taxi Driver

#6. Casablanca

#5. Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

#4. The Grapes of Wrath

#3. Dr. Strangelove

#2. To Kill a Mockingbird

#1. Dead Poet's Society

I think we all know it's Cracked

Forever lol'ing at 15 and 2. Who are your favorite directors, ONTD?


Rihanna Brigitte Nielsen Amanda Byram Mo Mowlam

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